2024. augusztus 27.

A Camino megváltoztat? Vagy csak új lendületet ad?

Egy hirtelen jött vágy, egy régi álom, és egy döntés - így kezdődött Creative Directorunk, Luca, izgalmas útja a portugál Camino-n, Porto városától Santiago de Composteláig. A reklámipar nyüzsgő világából kiszakadva, fizikailag és mentálisan is próbára téve magát, útnak indult, hogy felfedezze a kreativitás és a nyugalom közötti egyensúlyt. Most megosztjuk veletek élményeit, tanulságait, és azt, hogy miért érdemes kilépned a megszokottból, hogy rátalálj a saját Caminodra! 

scrolling down the coastline

As a creative director in the fast-paced world of advertising, I’m always on the lookout for new sources of inspiration. We all have our methods to recharge—some find solace in books, others in binge-watching the latest series. For me, it was time to step out of my comfort zone, quite literally, and embark on a journey that would challenge me both physically and mentally: the Portuguese Camino from Porto to Santiago de Compostela.

Warning: This is going to be a long read, but if you’re curious about my journey and what I learned along the way, I promise it’s worth your time.

Why the Camino?

Let’s rewind to a random Monday dawn when I woke up with this inexplicable urge to seek something more challenging, something that would push me beyond my usual boundaries.

Walking long distances had always been a passion—whether it’s wandering through a new city, hiking up a mountain, or just taking a long stroll to clear my mind. The Camino had been on my bucket list for years, but it wasn’t until that particular morning that I decided it was time to act.

After half a day of research, I was hooked. The Portuguese route had everything I was looking for: a mix of ocean views, mountains, cities, and forests. It wasn’t as daunting as the French route (900 km is a bit much, especially when work demands keep piling up). Plus, let’s be honest, the idea of tackling something less intimidating was appealing.

The Journey Begins:

The planning phase was as exciting as the journey itself.

Mapping out the route, figuring out where I’d stay each night, and what essentials to pack—all these details fed into my excitement. I wasn’t just planning a trip; I was designing an experience that would challenge my body and refresh my mind.

The Route:

  • Day 1: Porto to Vila do Conde - 34 km
  • Day 2: Vila do Conde to Esposende - 22 km
  • Day 3: Esposende to Viana do Castelo - 24 km
  • Day 4: Viana do Castelo to Caminha - 27 km
  • Day 5: Caminha to Vila Nova de Cerveira - 16 km
  • Day 6: Vila Nova de Cerveira to Tui (crossing into Spain) - 18 km
  • Day 7: Tui to Redondela - 33 km
  • Day 8: Redondela to Pontevedra - 21 km
  • Day 9: Pontevedra to Caldas de Reis - 21 km
  • Day 10: Caldas de Reis to Padrón - 19 km
  • Day 11: Padrón to Santiago de Compostela - 25 km

As a creative in an agency setting, we're constantly solving problems, finding new angles, and seeking fresh ideas. The Camino, for me, was a way to refresh my mental palette. It was less about the destination and more about the journey—every step was a break from the norm, a new perspective.

The Camino Experience:

Let’s talk about the walk itself.

The physical challenge of walking long distances every day, through varying terrains and weather, was exactly what I needed. It forced me to slow down, to take in my surroundings in a way I hadn’t done in years. The ocean, mountains, cities, and forests weren’t just backdrops—they were characters in a story that I was writing with each step.

Passing through more than 50 towns and villages, I experienced the diversity of Portugal and Spain in a way that’s impossible to capture through any other means. From the medieval charm of Caminha to the bustling streets of Pontevedra, every stop added a new layer to the journey.


  • The Coastal Path: Walking along the Atlantic Ocean from Porto to Caminha was a surreal experience. The fresh sea breeze, the sound of waves crashing, and the sight of endless horizons were nothing short of therapeutic.
  • Crossing Borders: Stepping into Spain at Tui was a significant milestone. The change in architecture, language, and even the landscape was tangible, yet the shared spirit of the Camino bridged any differences.
  • The Final Stretch: The last day from Padrón to Santiago was emotionally charged. The sight of the grand Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela after 11 days and 303 km was overwhelmingly moving. Pilgrims around me were in tears, smiles, and everything in between.

I won’t sugarcoat it—there were moments of doubt, of fatigue, and of questioning why on earth I’d decided to do this. But those moments were also the most enlightening. They reminded me of the importance of resilience, of pushing through discomfort to reach something greater.

The Aftermath:

Now, back to real life.

Did the Camino change my life? Perhaps not in the dramatic way that some stories might lead you to believe. But it did something just as important—it restructured my days, pulled me out of my comfort zone, and gave me a fresh perspective. It reminded me of the value of slowing down, of the creative energy that comes from breaking routine and embracing the unknown.

If you’re in a creative rut, I can’t recommend it enough. Find your own Camino, whatever that may be. Step outside your usual, take on a challenge that pushes you, and see where it leads.


What’s next?

Well, I’m already looking at that French route. Maybe one day I’ll take on those 900 km—memories do have a funny way of becoming rosier with time, don’t they? But for now, I’m back at Hello Agency, using the lessons from my journey to fuel the next big campaign.

Szerző: Urbán Luca - Hello Agency, creative director

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